
What is The Happiness Equation?

We are used to talk about working hard, discipline,motivation, passion for what we do and that will make the business grow,but we hardly think and talk about what makes us happy and makes us choose a certain professional path.

The Happiness Equation is a book wrote by Neil Pasricha that may change the way you think about everything—your career, your business, your relationships, and ultimately, yourself.

The book is the result of an unrelenting search, over more than a decade, to hack human happiness. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of positive psychologists, dozens of Fortune 500 CEOs, and thousands of personal interviews. From Germany to Japan, from Buddha to Vonnegut, from Hitchcock to Home Alone, Neil Pasricha, the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome focused on one life-changing questions: what is the simplest formula for a happy life?

According to Melanie Ginsburg’s article on Medium.com, research suggests that only 10% of our happiness is based on life circumstances. The other 90% of our happiness is based on our genetic predisposition and the specific things we do to improve our happiness. That means you can actually train your brain to be happy. Some things that Pasricha suggests is walking three times a week, writing about positive experiences, doing acts of kindness, completely unplugging, meditating, and practicing gratitude.

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