
Campaigns That We Admire : Together for MagicHome

Today we start a new series of articles that will go under the umbrella of “Campaigns That We Admire”. We want to bring in front of you ideas that were outside-the-box, that brought emotion, that changed something or that at least tried to. Campaigns on never-seen before ideas.

Therefore, we start with the great MagicHome campaign created by Jazz.

The context

2,500 children in Romania are currently treated for oncological illnesses and 550 cancer cases are diagnosed every year. Children suffering from cancer require medical care at pediatric oncology clinics, which are usually located far from their homes.

However, over 70% of the children come from families with limited financial means, which makes the costs of transportation and accommodation the main cause for children being diagnosed late, treatments or examinations being postponed or interrupted, dramatically reducing the chances of healing.

The idea

On the 3rd of November 2017 MagicMakers, the founders of MagiCAMP, decided to show the parents of ill children that they are not fighting cancer alone. They wanted to show everybody how they live. Literally. Therefore, they launched a fundraising campaign, with a very creative idea that came from the Romanian Cannes awarded agency Jazz and did, alongside all a long list of great personalities and people, what the parents do every day, for months, and even years. They sat. On a chair, next to a hospital bed. “We promised we won’t get up until we would raise the money for Magic Home, a 700 square meters building, next to the biggest oncology hospital in Bucharest. A place they so very much need. To cook. To take a shower. To cry,” says the statement on the campaign’s website.

What it is

MagicHOME is a real chance to treatment, a shelter that can help both parents and their children to keep going by offering them decent living conditions throughout the treatment: bathrooms with showers, the possibility to wash and dry their clothes, free meals, inside and outside playgrounds, psychological support and art therapy.

“It’s a campaign that got me emotional, that moved me and that reminded me of why I am working in advertising. It became viral, successfully surpassed its objective and brought us all that GOOD that we needed like air,” said Bogdan Vintila, group creative director Graffiti BBDO & ADC Romania member.

The Jazz team was formed of Raluca Matei, Roxana Cozaru (art directors) and Andreea Ghenoiu, Alina Varlanuta and Miruna Dumitrescu (copywriters). The campaign was declared Campaign of The Year at the ADC*Ro Awards.

The PR agency Rogalski Damaschin got involved to help push promote the campaign to the local media and key influencers.


The project launched on November 3rd 2017 and within 20 days, and with the help of 636 sitters, the charity reached their goal. They raised €309,000 and recruited 115,000 monthly donors. The campaign performed well in the country, reaching 66% of Romanian Facebook users with the campaign video being viewed 1.1 million times.
The fund will be used for the construction of the MagicHome house, a 700 square meters building, situated next to the Bucharest Oncology Institute and Fundeni Clinical Institute and it will accommodate 25 and 30 people a day, providing nearly 10,000 meals a year.
Why we like it:
  • simple and powerful great idea
  • total dedication from all the parties involved
  • emotion put at its best
  • unforgettable and with great results
  • strong message, carried out voluntarily by over 660 people
  • the best proof that creativity and a great idea can change the world for better
  • How to use your past failure to push you forward in 2018


    We are born afraid of failing. Always looking, checking and double checking to make sure we don’t fail. But the reality is that no matter what you do, at one time, at least,you will fail. The important thing is to know how to react when it happens, to be able to overcome the challenges and use them to our advantage.

    “There’s a tremendous bias against taking risks. Everyone is trying to optimize their ass-covering,” said Elon Musk. And he is right, isn’t he? So get up, dust off and start thinking pro-actively. Each time you fall it’s time to get up and try again.

    According to Grant Cardone for cnbc.com, the problem is that most people don’t know what to do when they fail. “The truly successful rely on their ability to act, despite facing obstacles and difficulties. When things aren’t going well, it’s easy to “take it easy” and to not be “hard on yourself,” like conventional wisdom tells you to do. To recover from failure, you have to act now and then keep going with the knowledge that enough actions taken will turn into the future you want,” wrote Cardone.

    Here are some ideas of how you can cope with failure and move past it:

    Understand that failure is just part of the process, accept it and process it

    Like everything that happens, both at a personal and professional level, one must understand what happened, accept the situation, process it and then move on. Putting down the failure in writing is a good start, as well as steps you could have taken differently, positive things you learned from it, and what you’ll do if faced with it again. “Ask yourself what you have to do to become the name people think of for your area of expertise. This exercise will help you create the list of targets that will make your stretch goals a reality. Just because something didn’t work in the past doesn’t mean you should minimize your goals. It means that your actions were either wrong or not at massive, 10X levels,” added Grant Cardone.

    Talk with somebody and let the frustration fly

    Being to involved in the process and therefore too emotional about it can make you not see the details and the big picture. An expert eye as well as a couple of friends that work in different fields than you can help you get a different, fresh and good perspective on things. They might point out to you some aspects that, all of a sudden, seem very obvious and “in your face”.

    Moreover, “once you have have taken some time to walk it off and clear your head, you can then begin accepting what happened. The initial emotional rush will eventually dissipate and you can then slowly return your focus back to the issue at hand,” pointed out Graham Young for fastcompany.com.


    “Working in business development, I am only as good as my latest plan to make money. Not every plan worked. This forced me to come up with more ideas at a faster pace. If one idea didn’t work, I was on to the next one. I had to shelve many ideas that I loved, but learning to “kill my darlings” only allowed me to birth new plans in a less precious way. Often, using what we’d learned from one thing failing makes the next iteration better and more successful,” wrote Victoria Cairl for entrepreneur.com.

    An honest feedback and perspective are the best

    You shouldn’t be afraid of receiving the feedback you don’t want. Brutal honesty from your friends and experts, but also your own clear view, will go a long way. Don’t try and fix something that is unfixable or is not producing the right results. Letting it go and focusing on another idea or project, might just be the key. It would be much better for you to spend your time and dedication to an idea that shows real perspective and you know it can go further, rather than wasting energy on something that has no real value.

    Don’t give up and be positive

    Focusing on the negative will get you nowhere, while a positive thinking might do the trick. Moreover, don’t take a failure as a final try to your own business endeavor. Many of the successful people today have tries several businesses and ideas before hitting it big. “Generally, the more positive your attitude and outlook, the more that will permeate the rest of your actions and thoughts, creating a better experience going forward,” concluded inc.com.

    All you need to know about autoplay video in Pinterest ads

    Pinterest’s Promoted Video ad units, introduced on August 2016, went on auto-play in 2017. The new type of Promoted Video begins playing as soon as users scroll across it in their feeds, and these ad units will also auto-play in Pinterest’s search results.

    “Pinterest has had to make the argument to advertisers that its 175 million users behave differently on Pinterest when compared to Facebook and Google, or even Twitter and Snap. Pinterest users come to the site and dig through products and recipes, among other things, for ideas. They then search deeper into topics, save them, and then eventually in theory acting on them later — either by cooking the dish or buying a product. Pinterest’s pitch is that unlike Facebook and Google, which can offer a compelling ad product for one point of that part of a customer’s buying life, it can offer products across the whole timeline,” wrote TechCrunch.

    Moreover, said AdWeek, “Pinterest announced that Nielsen Mobile Digital Ad Ratings will measure audience reach of campaigns using Promoted Video with auto-play, while Moat will provide data on viewability, or how much of the videos were in view. They join existing measurement partners Millward Brown for brand lift and Oracle Data Cloud to measure the impact on offline sales”.

    According to Pinterest’s Business page, Promoted Video delivers dramatic results, including lifts in brand awareness and favorability. Plus, using Promoted Video to show your ideas in action produces big gains in intent to act. “With 80% of Pinners using mobile devices to access our platform, it pays to use Promoted Videos, a naturally engaging format that can quickly capture the interest of this on-the-move audience,” concludes the post.

    Best Marketing Ideas in 2017

    Finding inspiration is something a marketer and creator should always be interested in.  We have some ideas that might give you a push to try something new and help your brand even more.

    Paid marketing on untapped channels

    Differentiation is key and clients need to understand that using only Facebook and Google for promoting themselves, even they bring huge volumes, is not enough anymore for achieving success. In an ever changing market, being among the first to tap into less used platforms and discover the ones that have the biggest change to rise (Snapchat, Instagram) is what brands’ representatives should do.

    photo: wearevillage.com

    Advertising is most successful when there is market inefficiency.

    Choosing to communicate smartly on a channel that isn’t very used or not put to its true value, may be the key to success. Moreover, the advantages occur on channels where there’s a lot of volume, but less competition or no competition.

    Content Multiplier Marketing and cross promotion

    It’s the time of the multi-channel communication, instead of using just one or two channels. Finding the perfect mix for the brand is a very important step to take. The content is one of the most important aspects these days and can take the brand in the direction you want it to. At the same time, the content can be produced in several ways of expression (articles, videos, audio recordings, a blog post) and by using different shapes and channels it will help the brand increase its awareness.

    Moreover, it’s really important for the brand’s target to be able to find the content on several mediums and see its versatility. Also, it’s another manner of gaining new fans that love different types of content.

    Create content that’s easy to replicate.

    Making a smart and easy content can also help the fans create their own twist on it, share it and show their personality along. Who doesn’t want a target involved in the brand’s growth?

    Go mobile

    More than ever it’s the mobile phones’ time. Most of the people are using Facebook on the mobile phone instead of the desktop or the tablet, as well as checking and answering their emails and other important conversations and messages. Therefore, the brands’ messages must the adapted to the medium, in order to create the best user experience possible.

    Appeal to visual strategies

    People understand better the messages and feel more connected to the visual side of the stories. By using video recordings and live-streaming, the brands are growing faster than ever. Recently live-streaming has taken the social media world by storm, Facebook reporting last year that 100 million hours per day of video are watched on their site. Therefore, the marketers should engage their audience with live-streaming at events or conferences that highlight them and their product.  It’s a quick and effective way to connect with customers and build the brand.

    Visual marketing effectiveness will also rely on engaging graphics. While graphic design has always been important, it will need more attention this year. Viewer engagement durations are shorter and social feeds are getting more crowded. Stand out with powerful graphic content.

    Create an expertize blog

    Making sure to optimize the brand’s website for search engines and mobile, with quality blog posts, we’ll have as a result the business’ appearance at the top of search results for topics related to your service offering. The result will be definitely a larger number of visitors accessing the website, an increase in leads, etc. The effectiveness of the blogging will be based on exciting and informative content, therefore hiring an expert in your industry or scheduling your own time to draft a quality post each month might be exactly what the doctor ordered.


    Tips & tricks on how to create a successful video campaign on Facebook

    Today is all about finding your vision and place on the market and targeting it the right way. Specific messages are created and translated in a specific way, for each media in part. What works for YouTube may very well not work on Facebook or cinema. Even if we talk about the same brand, campaign, positioning and target. So how does one create a powerful and successful video for Facebook, in order to really help the brand?

    BM23 - Neil Patel

    According to kissmetrics.com, over three billion videos are watched on Facebook daily. Video is eye-catching and engaging and, when used properly, is a great way to bring life to a product or brand. The website editors identified 4 main rules that you can find here. (credit photo: Shutterstock)

    As Facebook says, while video continues to grow as a storytelling medium for people and brands, it has been working with hundreds of businesses on building and analyzing video ads to discover what makes great video creative. What they found was that, like advertising of all kinds, building effective video ad creative requires both art and science.

    Some rules that would anyone help create a good Facebook video are:

    • Tailor your story to your audience.

    People are more likely to pay attention to content that’s relevant to their interests, which means you’ll likely get better results if you customize your ad’s message for the people who see it. Consider creating unique videos (or different versions of the same video) for different audience segments.

    • Invest in production.

    Whether you use a camera phone or a production team, secure the best available creative resources and set a realistic production schedule and budget. People are more likely to watch and remember videos that are well-crafted and designed to play on every device. Remember, cheap doesn’t sell anymore and doesn’t give the “authenticity” feel anymore. Treat the channel with the proper respect and attention and you will get the wanted results.

    • Make sure people will relate to the story, by keeping it real and close to them. Use situations that feel close to people’s lives and habits.

    • Use the first few seconds wisely.

    Bring your story to life quickly, so as people scroll through News Feed looking for content, your video ad quickly piques people’s interest. Consider showing brand or product imagery in the first few seconds.  Almost half of the value of a video ad is delivered in the first three seconds, according to research that Facebook commissioned from audience ratings and research company Nielsen. Seventy-four per cent of the value of a video ad is delivered to the audience in the first 10 seconds.

    • Focus on storytelling.

    Video length is less important than telling a cohesive and concise story. Your video ad shouldn’t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling arc from the first frame to the last that keeps your audience interested along the way.

    • Create empathy / entertain them / make them laugh or cry.

    Everyone feels close to a good, real story that captivates them and brings their emotions to the table.

    • Tell your story with and without sound.

    Since videos on Facebook autoplay with sound off, it’s important to make sure your video ads entice viewers even when muted. When sound is off, beautiful imagery and on-screen text can help tell your story. When enabled, your video’s sound should offer additional value to viewers and further bring your story to life.

    • Use the Groups section

    Meeting friends, and sharing your life with those friends, is the business of Facebook. The platform’s ‘Groups’ video perfectly portrays how it helps people connect with others who share similar interests. It creatively identifies how users can benefit from using Facebook by providing a clearly defined problem and a beginning, middle, and end.

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