
Meet Franck Vinchon | Behind the Suit

Franck has been working for more than 18 years across multiple countries. He covered many fields in communication and marketing industry filling positions that were dedicated to strategy and management. Some of the agencies he worked for are: Y&R, Saatchi&Saatchi, Publicis, Havas and BBDO.

A French man exploring the world across its diversity and different cultures, Franck dedicates his time to understand people better and shape the future of the brands, as well. He loves to understand their challenges, to solve their issues and challenge their future. The main objective is to make both, the people and the brands, reach to each other.

I consider myself a story maker since I enable dialogues where there is mistrust, I propose engagement when there is ignorance and I build success where there is doubt.



1. How did all start? What is the story behind the determination of becoming a Brand Consultant?

After almost 18 years in big network agencies, in few different countries, handling some different positions until reaching top management, I had the feeling that I was losing sight of why this business was exciting.

I was spending my time to make sure everything was all right while I wanted to go deeper into making the brands successful and attractive. I had to completely refresh my approach to communication and marketing by exploring more about them than just advertising.


2. Tell us three important things you’ve done in your career, to make it where you are today.

I can tell you so many things that influenced who I am right now, big things/changes and more anecdotic moments; I would go for couple of funny stories.

1. When I saw for the first time a creative guy climbing on the table to sell his script to a client.

2. When…

…one of my first bosses was claiming to me that if you don’t get sexually excited reading your brief, then your brief is not good enough!

3. When I’ve seen a famous creative director (probably the best, we will call him D.D.) getting 15 possible Cannes Lions ideas in a short brainstorm based on an insight written couple of minutes before.


3. Name one situation that made you want to quit and change your career.

I did not quit anything, I just changed my approach to the things I really love –  brands.

I was in a meeting for a big client. As always, we were pushing the creative guys to come up with some really disruptive ideas. One great idea was presented that day, the client really liked it and he asked the creative director how we could implement it. The latest said that he had no idea as he was mostly focused on TV and press advertising.


4. Name one situation that convinced you to go forward.

 I finally understood that a brand couldn’t be defined only by its advertising, that it is articulated around so many different things.

I needed to dive deeper into the consumers’ mindset, to create better experiences and craft new ideas, more than just repeating some proven ones.


5. What do you think are the most difficult challenges marketers have to face on the Russian market community nowadays?

It’s no secret to say that things have been tough in Russia in the last 4 years: sanctions with US and Europe, ruble devaluation, political tensions and so on. Communication suffered a lot from it – not only financially but also on its approach level. Ideas are less bold than a few years ago. You have to fight for a great strategy and creative ideas twice harder.


6. Investment matters. If you would have to invest in one specific field/business, what would that be?

I’m investing for real actually. And I’m going full speed into entertainment and innovation! Making people feel better is a really important aspect of this job. I’ve chosen the fun way to do it.


7. If you could change something about Russia’s Marketing Community to improve it in any way what would that be?

I wouldn’t change a thing. Every market is different. I work for different brands, coming from different regions in the world (Europe, Asia, Middle East) and they all have different challenges. But this is exactly what makes the markets exciting! I believe that the best way to improve a community is to improve yourself first!


8. What is your unique selling proposition? What is different about your brand, compared to your competition?

Never boring, always surprising, definitely entertaining, hopefully successful!




1. Name one good habit that helps you deal with your active life.

I started to meditate two years ago and it really helped me to focus, regular workout helps me a lot as well.

Ok, let’s be honest guys, there is nothing better than a chilled beer with your friends watching a football game. And music all day long, music is essential to my life!


2. Name one bad habit you can’t quit.

I can’t remove my skull-shaped rings. This is something I don’t really want to explain. But it’s very personal, linked to my childhood and my musician past. I know some clients freak out when they first meet me, but they quickly understand I’m a badass in a good sense of the word.


3. If you could be anything else but a brand expert, what would you be?

I would be a rock singer – actually I was and I did the opening for famous bands like Pantera or Korn back then. I would just pursue this dream more rigorously. Or I would just run a show for Netflix. Or I would just continue to be a writer with creepy and funny stories (I wrote a book in 2011 called ‘Tranches de Mort’).

…You can do so many things, why chose only one?


4. As a brand expert, what is your favourite brand?

I have a lot of brands in my mind but I think I would choose my beloved city, Paris (not the billionaire heiress). Beautiful, cultural, breath-taking and, at the same time, secret, mysterious, dangerous, uncivilized and atypical.


5. Tell us your favourite book. What’s the best thing you learned from it?

I’m afraid not to surprise you here. I would go for Fight Club’ from Chuck Palahniuk. I would go for all his books and all the American ‘underground’ literature like Don Delillo, Eston Ellis, Charles Bukowsky, Thomas Pynchon and so on.

Well, those books are telling that being dead honest is always the best way to make a point.

I would also make a mention to99 Francs’ from Frederic Beigbeder because I’ve inspired him for a character and I’m involved in this crazy story with all my colleagues when I was a junior professional in Y&R.


6. Name the most important value that you believe in.

Respect. I think this is a value that got lost in so many ways. Difficult to gain, easy to lose.


7. If you could compare your professional journey with a song what song would you choose?

‘Alive’ by Pearl Jam. As a music fan, I can reflect in so many songs and albums. Each song can reflect a lot in different moments of your life.


8. If you would give our readers one piece of advice from your professional experience, what would that advice be?

Be yourself. No one does it better than you!

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