
BRAND MINDS 2020 rescheduled for September 25

As a large-event organiser, social responsibility and the safety of participants are among BRAND MINDS‘ top core values.

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and global spread, we have decided to reschedule BRAND MINDS 2020.

Here is our company’s full statement:

Dear world changers,

First of all, thank you all who chose BRAND MINDS as a business destination in 2020!

We know that your decision to join the event came with great excitement.


These days, we are closely monitoring the growing concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19), occurring on a global scale, along with the advice provided by the World Health Organisation.

With the kindest thoughts in mind for all of our over 5000 expected attendees, coming from 40 countries, we decided that rescheduling the event for September 25th 2020 is the most responsible decision to make.

Uniting the business world is our mission, but taking care of the people in our community is our top priority.



Being mindful and empathetic of this critical situation that humanity is facing is an act of kindness that we show to all of our peers affected by this difficult period.

It is not just about us, as individuals anymore, but about each person that we love and interact with.

It is a challenge for the entire humanity and we will only overcome it by being responsible to make all the necessary efforts to stay safe.

All the speakers, our team and partners have every single participant’s best interest at heart and we are doing our best to provide an amazing experience for BRAND MINDS 2020.

We highly appreciate your support and understanding in rescheduling the event and we wish everyone to be safe.

Sending our kindest thoughts,

Brand Minds Team


To answer all your questions related to your participation in BRAND MINDS 2020, please read the updated FAQ page which includes the following topics:

  3. BRAND MINDS 2021

If you still have concerns that haven’t been addressed in the FAQ page, please send us a message at contact@brandminds.com.

Stay safe and follow the directions of your local health authority!

We hope to see you all in September for a great edition of BRAND MINDS 2020.

Tara Westover LIVE at BRAND MINDS 2020

Tara Westover is one of today’s Best Selling Authors and a keynote speaker at BRAND MINDS 2020.

Read on to learn more about Tara Westover.

‘Educated: A Memoir’ – No 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List 2019

At the time I am writing this article, Tara’s memoir ‘Educated’ has been No 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers for the past 70 weeks.

The book was published in 2018 and it has been earning various accolades ever since. It was named one of the Best Books of the Year by The Washington Post, Oprah Magazine, Time, NPR, Good Morning America, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, The Economist, The Financial Times, The New York Post etc.

‘Educated’ describes Tara’s upbringing in her separatist family with radical views of the world and how these values influenced her life and the lives of her siblings.

Tara’s memoir is currently being translated into more than 30 languages.



‘Educated’ Awards and Recognition

Educated earned a slew of awards among which:

  • Book of the Year by the American Booksellers Association;
  • One of the New York Times’s 10 Best Books of 2018;
  • Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award for Autobiography;
  • Amazon Editors’ pick for the Best Book of 2018;
  • Apple’s Best Memoir of the Year;
  • Audible’s Best Memoir of the Year;
  • Long-listed for the 2019 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence.

Bill Gates and Tara Westover / tarawestover.com

Tara’s process of self-discovery is beautifully captured in Educated. It’s the kind of book that I think everyone will enjoy, no matter what genre you usually pick up. She’s a talented writer, and I suspect this book isn’t the last we’ll hear from her. I can’t wait to see what she does next.

Bill Gates

Her amazing life story of overcoming a difficult childhood

Now in her 30s, Tara Westover is the youngest of seven children. She lived on a mountain in rural Idaho with her siblings and survivalist Mormon parents. What does survivalist mean? It means her parents didn’t believe in many things we take for granted like doctors and hospitals, the government, public education etc.

Tara had a very difficult childhood which she describes in harrowing stories: she suffered many physical injuries – from a spike going through her leg to a car crash when she was 14 – as well as emotional and physical abuse from one of her brothers. Her parents didn’t provide the comfort, warmth and understanding that she needed so she gradually became estranged from them.


Tara Westover and Oprah / oprah.com

No birth certificate but a PhD from Cambridge University

Tara didn’t have a birth certificate due to her parents’ extremism and didn’t attend primary school but when she got older she decided she wanted to go to college. Her parents didn’t support her because she was going against their family values.

To get into college she pretty much taught herself algebra, mathematics, grammar, and science. She was such a great learner that she was admitted to Brigham Young University.

She had a rough four years at the university but not because she was a bad student, it was because she didn’t know much about the world like everyone else. For example, she had never heard of the Holocaust or the civil rights movement, Napoleon or Martin Luther King or simple facts like Europe is not a country, but a continent.

I think education is really just a process of self-discovery, of developing a sense of yourself and what you think.

Tara Westover

She graduated Magna cum Laude and subsequently won a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. In 2010 she was a visiting fellow at Harvard University and in 2014 she received a PhD in history from Cambridge University.

It’s an engrossing read, a fresh perspective on the power of education, and it’s also a testament to the way grit and resilience can shape our lives.{…} Tara’s upbringing was so different from my own, but learning about her world gave me insight into lives and experiences that weren’t a part of my own journey. To me, it’s an example of the extraordinary power of storytelling.

Michelle Obama, in the New York Times

100 Most Influential People in 2019 by Time Magazine

Time Magazine included Tara Westover in their list of 100 Most Influential People of 2019 which features artists, activists, politicians and entrepreneurs, chosen for their exciting and impactful ideas.

Join BRAND MINDS 2020 – The Growth Weekend on September 25th and watch Tara Westover speak about The Power of Education!


Martin Lindstrom LIVE at BRAND MINDS 2020

Martin Lindstrom is a World Famous Marketing expert and a keynote speaker at BRAND MINDS 2020.

Read on to learn more about him.


World-Renowned Consumer Expert and Brand Consultant

When you are passionate about a hobby, a science field or an artist, you read everything there is available on that particular topic. Focused passion turns into an obsession (the good kind of an obsession): you breathe and live it, you know everything there is to know about it, you are an expert on it.

Martin Lindstrom is one of the world’s most respected consumer branding experts and a pioneer in the fields of consumer psychology, marketing, and neuro-marketing research.

He experienced the power of the brand from both sides: as a consumer and as a branding expert.

Here is his story.

Lego, my love

As a child growing up in Denmark, Martin loved Lego, the famous toy manufacturer. He loved the practicality of the toy. He slept in a bed which he handbuilt himself of Lego parts. He wore clothes in Lego’s colours. Yes, Martin was obsessed with Lego.

Success Story: LEGO – Building the skills of tomorrow

At 11 years old, Martin wished to share his Lego love with the world and built his own Legoland, a miniature village complete with trees, canals, houses and ships constructed entirely out of Lego parts.


11-year old Martin Lindstrom in his Legoland / bandt.com.au

His first lesson in advertising

When he opened the doors of his Legoland, expecting visitors, to his disappointment no one came. He quickly realized his mistake: he hadn’t advertised. So he rushed to the local newspaper and persuaded them to run his ad touting his amazing Legoland. That’s when he learned a very important lesson: the power of advertising. In the following week, he received over 100 visitors.

A year later, at the age of 12, Martin Lindstrom opened his own marketing agency thus embarking on a very successful life journey through the ups and downs of branding, marketing and consumer psychology.

Embarking on a new mission

By the age of 30, Martin Lindstrom had become one of the most respected names in the industry having worked for BBDO, the renowned international advertising agency.

In 2009 he changed direction turning from brand consultant to consumer advocate.

He embarked on a new mission: to help consumers make smarter, more informed buying decisions and to help brands transform their business culture by placing the customer at the heart of everything.

How would he achieve his mission?

  • By exposing the many ways brands manipulate and deceive us, the consumers;
  • By raising the covers of the best-kept tricks and secrets of the marketing and advertising world;
  • By helping brands challenge established thinking and drive business and culture transformation.

That’s why Martin Lindstrom is a #worldchanger.

When we brand things, our brains perceive them as more special and valuable than they actually are.

Martin Lindstrom


Author of 7 brand and consumer-focused books

Martin Lindstrom authored seven books which have been translated into more than 50 languages and published in more than 70 countries worldwide.

Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends The New York Times Bestseller

The book presents a rare behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to create global brands, and along the way, reveals surprising and counterintuitive truths about what connects us all as humans.

A modern-day Sherlock Holmes. An original and inquisitive mind harnesses the power of “Small Data” in his quest to discover the next big thing.

Time Magazine

Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy The New York Times & Wall Street Journal Bestseller

What truly influences our decisions in today’s message-cluttered world?

This book is based on Martin’s $7 million neuromarketing study, the largest ever done.

The study is a cutting-edge three-year experiment which explores the truth and lies about why we buy. Using fMRI to peer inside the brains of 2000 volunteers while being shown various ads, logos, commercials, brands, and products, the experiment’s findings were astonishing.

One of the campaigns tested in this experiment was the tobacco packaging warning messages. Even if you are not a smoker, you have certainly seen the disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (i.e. lung cancer, rotting teeth or premature birth etc) printed on the cigarette packs. Do these images achieve the intended goal? Do they influence smokers to give up smoking?

As Martin’s extensive experiment showed, the answer is NO. When asked if they smoked less as a result of seeing the warnings, participants answered YES, but the brain scans told a different story: they were not actually smoking less. They only said they did because this was the answer expected of them. People lie, but their brains tell the truth.

BrandWashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy 

In this book, Martin exposes for the first time the full extent of the psychological tricks and traps that companies devise to win our hard-earned money.

BrandSense: Sensory secrets behind the stuff we buy The New York Times Bestseller

…one of the 5 best marketing books ever published.

Wall Street Journal

What role do human senses play in the decision-making process?

In ‘Brandsense’, Lindstrom explores this subject looking for answers and shows how marketers, armed with this knowledge are able to push the purchase buttons – stronger than ever before.

Brandchild: Remarkable insights into the minds of today’s global kids and their relationship with brands

Your name may be on the card but your kid is actually buying what you’re paying for. Teens and younger children are the consumers of tomorrow. In ‘Brandchild’, Lindstrom reveals the findings of the biggest research study ever conducted on kids. He also shows how brands cater to the needs of the next generations by establishing early relationships.

Clicks, Bricks & Brands

Is traditional retailing drawing its last breath? Have online retailers figured everything out? Do all offline retailers need to transition to online? Do e-retailers need to have brick-and-mortar shops?

In his book, Lindstrom explores the challenges of retail with an intriguing mix of theory, case study and practical advice.

Brand building on the internet

The book features reviews of over 70 international websites and 40 case studies on world-famous companies (Pepsi, LEGO, Yellow Pages, M&Ms, FedEx, Kodak, Volkswagen, Visa). In it, Lindstrom shows how to build brands online based on a strategic way of thinking.

Products are produced in the factory; brands are produced in our minds.

Martin Lindstrom

Advisor to numerous Fortune 100 companies

He is a trusted brand-and-innovation advisor to numerous Fortune 100 companies, including McDonald’s Corporation, PepsiCo, American Express, Microsoft, Nestlé, The Walt Disney Company and GlaxoSmithKline.

100 Most Influential People

In 2009, TIME Magazine named Lindstrom one of the World’s 100 Most Influential People for his groundbreaking work on neuroscience and branding.

In 2015, Thinkers50 ranked Martin number 18 amongst the world’s most influential management thinkers.


Martin Lindstrom and Tyra Banks / YouTube

Featured on major TV Networks, shows and publications

He is the anchor and producer of NBC’s popular TV show; ‘Main Street Makeover’ on TODAY; a columnist for Fast Company and TIME Magazine – and continues to feature in the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Economist, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Washington Post, USA Today, and numerous publications and television channels worldwide.

Lindstrom has also been interviewed by David Frost, Tyra Banks – with whom he was a celebrity guest on her America’s Next Top Model Show – and the legendary Deepak Chopra on his YouTube show, One World.

MARTIN LINDSTROM ABOUT from Martin Lindstrom on Vimeo.

Join BRAND MINDS 2020 – The Growth Weekend on September 25th and watch Martin Lindstrom speak about Discovering global trends!


Who is Malcolm Gladwell?

Malcolm Gladwell is one of the world’s top journalists speaking live at BRAND MINDS 2020.

Find out more about him in the video!

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Malcolm Gladwell Live at BRAND MINDS 2020

Malcolm Gladwell is one of the world’s top journalists speaking live at BRAND MINDS 2020.

His inquisitive mind allowed him to set out on a journey of discovery looking for answers to such questions as

Why do the disadvantaged win over the powerful?

Is there a recipe of success?

Do buildings, streets and neighbourhoods have psychological and social influence over the lives of the people living there? 

Nothing interesting or new comes from looking in the same direction everyone is looking. That’s why he is always searching for the unexpected vantage point which will provide him with different answers. And that’s what makes Malcolm Gladwell a #worldchanger in our book.

Top Journalist

Malcolm Gladwell received a bachelor’s degree in history but his goal was to become a journalist.

In the late 1980s, he achieved his dream when he was hired by The Washington Post as a business and science writer; he worked there for nine years.

Since 1996 he has been a staff writer for The New Yorker, the American weekly magazine renowned for its short fiction, essays, foreign reportage, and probing biographical studies.

Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good.

Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success

One of the 100 Most Influential People by TIME Magazine

In 2001, he was awarded the National Magazine Award for profiles, for his New Yorker piece “The Pitchman,” about inventor Ron Popeil.

He has been honoured by the American Psychological Society and the American Sociological Society.

He has been named one of the 100 most influential people by TIME magazine and one of the Foreign Policy’s Top Global Thinkers.

On June 30, 2011, Gladwell was appointed to the Order of Canada, a Canadian national order that recognizes the outstanding merit or distinguished service of Canadians who make a major difference to Canada through lifelong contributions in every field of endeavour.


source: gladwellbooks.com

Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.

Malcolm Gladwell

Author of five New York Times Bestseller Books

Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five New York Times bestsellers — The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw, and David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants.


The Tipping Point is a book that is changing the way Americans think about selling products and disseminating ideas.

The author draws a parallel between the epidemic spreading of disease and social epidemics which is driven by the efforts of a handful of exceptional people.


Why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others can’t make any good decisions if their lives depended on it?
In Blink, Malcolm reveals that great decisions are not made by processing the most information or spending the most time deliberating. Decision making is the art of narrowing the overwhelming number of variables to those factors that truly matter.


In Outliers, Malcolm asks the following question: what makes high-achievers different?

He explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band.


What The Dog Saw is a collection of his best writing from The New Yorker. Readers are charmed by the bittersweet tale of the inventor of the birth control pill, the inventions regarding pasta sauce, the secrets of Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer and many more.

In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, or attend a mediocre school, or suffer from any number of other apparent setbacks.


Talking to Strangers is Malcolm Gladwell’s upcoming book.

His new book is a challenging and controversial excursion through history, psychology, and scandals taken straight from the news. The book is to be published in September 2019.

It’s not how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between nine and five. It’s whether or not our work fulfils us. Being a teacher is meaningful.

Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success

Podcast Host

Malcolm Gladwell is the host of Revisionist History, a podcast where he goes back and reinterprets something from the past – an event or a person, an idea which was overlooked or misunderstood.


image source: podbean.com

He frames current hot topics by revisiting moments in history. It’s Malcolm’s attempt to “correct the record” because “the past is where the truth lies”.

I have two parallel things I’m interested in. One is, I’m interested in collecting interesting stories, and the other is I’m interested in collecting interesting research. What I’m looking for are cases where they overlap.

Malcolm Gladwell

4 Brilliant Concepts by Malcolm Gladwell

A talented detective and a data analyst at the same time, Gladwell has an amazing ability to uncover beautiful gems of wisdom.

I couldn’t have ended the present article without drawing your attention to four theories that Malcolm described in his books:

  1. The 10.000-hour rule of success;
  2. The Law of the Few;
  3. The Stickiness Factor;
  4. The Power of Context.

The 10.000-hour rule of success

In Outliers, while looking to explain why some professionals are successful when others are not, he comes up with the following theory: the 10.000-hour rule.

This rule states that the key to success in any field is practising a specific task that can be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.

The Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context

In his book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm talks about the three laws of the tipping point: The Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context.

According to The Law of the Few, the success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of 3 kinds of people. These people are endowed with a particular and rare set of social gifts.

They are connectors (people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions), mavens (people who accumulate knowledge and share it with others), salesmen (charismatic people with powerful negotiation skills).

The Stickiness Factor is defined as the quality that compels people to pay close, sustained attention to a product, concept, or idea.

The Power of Context asserts that behaviour is a product of the existing social context where real influence is rather produced by little things than social macrostructures like political regimes or social stratification situation.

Join the BRAND MINDS 2020 – The Growth Weekend on September 25th and watch Malcolm Gladwell speak about Creative Storytelling!


Michio Kaku LIVE at BRAND MINDS 2020

Michio Kaku is one of the World’s Top Scientists speaking LIVE at BRAND MINDS 2020.

Following in Einstein’s footsteps

It’s a warm Monday afternoon and a dark-haired boy watches the evening news in flickering black and white images with his family in Palo Alto, California. A famous scientist had died the day before and the media channel has put together a short video covering the highlights of his life. While the anchorman announces the news, footage of the scientist rolls on the family’s small TV set. The video ends with a snapshot of the scientist’s desk where lies his unfinished manuscript, the anchorman says.

The year is 1955, the scientist is Albert Einstein and the manuscript – The Theory of Everything.


image source: digitaltrends.com

The eight-year-old boy’s name is Michio Kaku and later on, he would vow to finish Einstein’s work and find the equation which would allow us to “read the mind of God”.

One of the Greatest Minds of Our Time

A theoretical physicist, bestselling author, acclaimed public speaker, renowned futurist, and popularizer of science, Michio Kaku is one of the greatest minds of our time.

His passion for science manifested in early childhood

His family nurtured his natural inclination by taking him to university libraries to study. He would look up books on subjects like the fourth dimension, antimatter, parallel universes. The problem was – there were no science books for children.

And that’s when he took his second vow:

When I grow up and become a professor of theoretical physics and I work out the unified field theory, I want to write for myself as a child.

Michio Kaku

Not having books to read from didn’t stop high-school student Michio from building experiment projects.

To participate in the National Science Fair, he assembled a particle accelerator in his mother’s garage – his goal was to produce antimatter.

The machine earned the young science prodigy the attention of Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb who offered him the Hertz Engineering Scholarship.


A young Michio Kaku (right) at the National Science Fair (1964) / mystarjob.com


Michio Kaku in high school / imgur.com

An influential figure in the science world

Michio Kaku graduated from Harvard University summa cum laude and 1st in his physics class.

He received his PhD in physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1972 and been a professor at CUNY for almost 30 years.

He has taught at Harvard and Princeton as well.

Dr Kaku holds the Henry Semat Chair in Theoretical Physics at the City Univ. of New York.

His PhD level textbooks are required reading at many of the world’s leading physics laboratories.


image source: newspunch.com

Changed the world of physics – The String Field Theory

Dr Kaku is an internationally recognized authority in two areas. The first is Einstein’s unified field theory, the other is to predict trends affecting business, medicine, finance, and our way of life, based on the latest research in science.

Michio Kaku is the co-founder of The String Field Theory which he believes is the Theory of Everything, the solution which Einstein was looking for when he died.

The String Field Theory states that everything we see around us is nothing but vibrations of tiny strings. Each subatomic particle is a note on a vibrating string. According to his theory, physics is the harmonies we can write on vibrating strings, chemistry is the melodies we can play on vibrating strings.

What about the universe and the mind of God that Einstein was attempting to reach?

The universe is a symphony of strings and the mind of God is cosmic music resonating through eleven-dimension hyperspace.

Michio Kaku

Author of nine New York Times Best Sellers

Michio Kaku authored the following popular science books:

  1. Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe (with Jennifer Thompson) (1987);
  2. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension (1994);
  3. Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century (1998);
  4. Einstein’s Cosmos: How Albert Einstein’s Vision Transformed Our Understanding of Space and Time (2004);
  5. Parallel Worlds: A Journey through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos (2004);
  6. Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel (2008);
  7. Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 (2011);
  8. The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (2014);
  9. The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny Beyond Earth (2018).

The “next Carl Sagan” – Worldwide Media Figure and Popularizer of Science

Dr Kaku lived up to the promise he made to himself when he was young: not only did he write books about science for everyone to read, but he became a worldwide media figure and popularizer of science.

His extensive efforts to make science available for all is the reason why many refer to him as the next Carl Sagan, the science communicator and popularizer par excellence.

Apart from his books, Dr Kaku has also written for renowned magazines like Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Discover Magazine, New Scientist Magazine, Astronomy Magazine, Wired Magazine, and been quoted in Scientific American, N.Y. Times, the Washington Post, the London Daily Telegraph, the London Times and Fast Magazine.


Michio Kaku on CBS New / cbsnews.com

Over 100 shows on Television, Film, Radio

In the past twenty years, Dr Kaku has been featured in science specials on television, film and radio: the Larry King Show, the David Letterman Show, PBS’s Steven Hawking’s Universe, Science Odyssey, and Einstein Revealed, the BBC’s Future Fantastic, Parallel Universes, Channel 4’s The Big G: the story of gravity, the Discovery Channel, the History Channel’s Universe series and biography of Einstein, and many science documentaries.

In January 2009, he signed a contract with the Science Channel to host a 12 part science series based on his best-seller, Physics of the Impossible. The series aired on December 1, 2009. In the agreement, the Science Channel also asked Dr Kaku to be the public face of the Science Channel.

He was featured in the full-length, 90-minute feature film, Me and Isaac Newton, which was nominated for an Emmy in 2001. He was profiled in Tech-TV’s Big Thinkers series.

He has spoken on over 500 radio stations around the country.


image source: amazon.com

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

YouTube – Cuckoo for Kaku

His YouTube channel named humorously Cuckoo for Kaku has +70.000 subscribers.

The futurist has published 104 videos in the last three years with 5-7 new videos every month.

In his videos, he tackles various hot topics like designer babies, jobs of the future, epigenetics & evolution, rise of the robots, black holes etc.

3 million fans on Facebook

A visionary in his own right, Dr Kaku is one of the first public persons to establish his presence on Facebook as early as 2009. To put this into perspective: in 2009, Facebook was five years old and had just activated the Like button.

Now his page has almost 3 million fans; the scientist keeps his fans informed by sharing the latest discovery news in astrophysics, his media appearances, various interviews and Facebook Live sessions.

100 Riddles on Twitter

His Twitter account is followed by almost 714.000 people.

Here he found a creative way to engage his followers: he invites them to answer his science riddles.

Keynote Speaker at Business Conferences for 500 Fortune Corporations

Michio Kaku frequently keynotes major business conferences about the next 20 years in computers, finance, banking, and commerce.

In particular, he has keynoted for major corporations, many of them controlling hundreds of billions of dollars in investments, including:
Google, Microsoft, SONY, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC Bank, Morgan Stanley, Siemens, Walt Disney etc.


Michio Kaku speaking at the 2017 Hitachi NEXT Conference in Las Vegas / howwemadeitinafrica.com

Join BRAND MINDS 2020 – The Growth Weekend on September 25th and watch Michio Kaku speak about The future of science!



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