
BRAND MINDS: 30 top reasons to bring your team

BRAND MINDS is among the Top 5 largest business conferences in Europe providing its attendees with a unique business edutainment experience.

BRAND MINDS speakers 2023

More than 7000 professionals from 300 companies in 50 countries are expected to attend BRAND MINDS on June 2nd and 3rd, 2023. 

Bring your team to BRAND MINDS because teams who learn together will grow the company together. 

30 reasons to bring your team to BRAND MINDS

You and your team will:

#1  Learn business strategy from the most respected business experts in the world;

#2  Access the opportunity to interact with +7000 business specialists from over 50 countries;

#3  Reconnect with business partners from +11 industries;

#4  Learn how to create an organizational culture where people develop exponentially;

#5  Discover the latest trends in design thinking & innovation;

#6  Discover new models of leadership & team management;

#7  Discover the latest trends in professional development;

#8  Enjoy the most memorable teambuilding yet;

#9  Connect with the latest trends in technology & artificial intelligence;

#10 Learn tactics to overcome any sales objection;

#11 Learn to build an effective digital marketing strategy for your company.

#12 Learn new techniques to develop healthy habits that will help you achieve your vision;

#13 Learn techniques to amplify autonomy & innovation in your team;

#14 Enjoy a complex learning experience, equal to reading 8 books in a day;

#15 Leave with at least 3 actionable ideas to scale up your company;

#16 Discover 8 habits that amplify creativity in a team;

#17 Learn the most effective risk management strategies;

#18 Learn to develop a high-performing sales team;

#19 Learn the latest tactics in sales strategy to close big clients;

#20 Access the opportunity to build new business partnerships;

#21 Network with decision-makers from +300 Top companies;

#22 Discover global economic trends that will help you adapt your business strategy for the future;

#23 Learn team engagement techniques through design thinking;

#24 Learn how to achieve the most ambitious career goals without facing burnout;

#25 Discover artificial intelligence tools that will help your company adapt for the future;

#26 Learn the most common mistakes leaders make that result in team demotivation;

#27 Learn the latest strategies and frameworks of customer loyalization through digital marketing;

#28 Leave with the BRAND MINDS World-Changer participation certificate;

#29 Meet authors among the most respected internationally in a live, in-person event;

#30 Access the opportunity to interact with some of the most renowned business experts of the moment.

Prices go up in less than 6 days. Get your tickets today!

Prices go up on February 23rd, so don’t miss out on discovering a memorable business experience at BRAND MINDS 2022.


Join The Global Thinkers Business Summit and access the opportunity to:

  • Experience a memorable business conference;
  • Learn from world-famous business thinkers & bestselling authors;
  • Enjoy valuable content that will reset your vision and mindset on both personal & professional growth;
  • Network with an elite community of business professionals from top industries;
  • Meet with international business celebrities;
  • Take your marketing expertise to the next level with the MARKETING STRATEGY MASTERCLASS scheduled for the 2nd DAY of the event, on June 18th;
  • Collect the BRAND MINDS attendance certificate;

The event organizer also provides translation into Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian and Turkish.

HR Managers choose BRAND MINDS as the best opportunity for corporate team buildings

At BRAND MINDS 2022, team members and team leaders learn about:

  • Efficient frameworks to improve the overall performance and the team’s engagement;
  • Innovative ideas for strategic leadership & business development;
  • Top tactics to develop high-growth professionals;
  • Strategic techniques to lead teams with confidence.

HR Managers looking to grow their teams and reward top talent with curated world-class business education have also the opportunity to access special group packages.

The world’s top business experts & bestselling authors are speaking at BRAND MINDS 2022


GABOR MATÉ: WHEN THE BODY SAYS NO: Mind/Body Unity and the Stress-Disease Connection
Dr Gabor Maté is a respected physician with more than 20 years of research & clinical experience, highly sought after for his expertise on the relationship between stress and illness.

At BRAND MINDS, Dr Gabor Maté will talk about:

  1. Tactics to create a stress-free company culture where employees are creative and productive;
  2. The 3 major stressors in day-to-day life;
  3. Key strategies to recognize a stressful work environment and how to transform it.


GARY VAYNERCHUK: The ultimate strategies to build outstanding businesses
Gary’s business building expertise positions him as one of the leading global minds on what’s next in business culture and the digital ecosystem. He is today transferring his life-long knowledge through his keynotes and media content.

At BRAND MINDS, Gary Vaynerchuk will talk about:

  1. How to scale up a company in today’s digital world;
  2. Tactics to increase your business’ revenues by leveraging digital channels;
  3. Actionable insights on how to amplify your company’s image.

JORDAN B. PETERSON: The 12 rules for a successful life
Jordan B. Peterson’s keynote provides professionals in every industry with actionable insights about leading themselves and others. His expertise helps people improve essential aspects of their life from work to personal development and career.

At BRAND MINDS, Jordan B. Peterson will talk about:

  1. The Big 5 Personality traits;
  2. How to improve your ability to deal with and understand those around you who have different personalities;
  3. Valuable insights to guide you towards a more courageous, truthful and meaningful life.


WHITNEY JOHNSON: Leadership — the best tactics of building an extraordinary team
A world-leading expert on developing high-growth professionals, Whitney Johnson helps leaders acquire the necessary skills for leading teams with confidence and a strategic approach.

At BRAND MINDS, Whitney Johnson will talk about:

  1. The 7 accelerants of personal disruption and growth;
  2. Where is your team on the S Curve of Learning ™;
  3. How to leverage disruption in your team’s favour.


DANIEL PINK: The new rules of selling & influence
Daniel Pink is one of the most renowned bestselling business authors of the last decade. His books on work and sales strategy have won multiple awards, have been translated into 41 languages, and have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.

At BRAND MINDS, Daniel Pink will talk about:

  • 5 ways to frame messages to increase clarity and lead to action;
  • Why problem finding has become more important than problem-solving;
  • 2 principles that can move your sales from transactions to conversions.

Angela-Oguntala-_-BM22-_-16x9_ BRAND MINDS BUSINESS SUMMIT

ANGELA OGUNTALA: Rethink your company for the future
Angela Oguntala is a strategy expert on futuristic innovation who is consulting companies on how to design their internal process for a thriving business future. She has led innovation projects and advised global organizations with billions in revenue.

At BRAND MINDS, Angela Oguntala will talk about:

  1. How futuristic thinking impacts an organisation’s core values & practices;
  2. Processes that will facilitate futuristic thinking and performant development flows;
  3. How to nurture foresight mindsets & enhance your team’s capabilities.


JONAH BERGER: The secret science of viral ideas – Marketing Strategy Masterclass
Jonah Berger is a world-renowned expert on marketing strategy, persuasion and consumer behaviour.
As a consultant, Jonah helped hundreds of companies like Apple, Google, Nike, Facebook, Unilever and The Gates Foundation get their products, services, and ideas to catch on.

At BRAND MINDS, Jonah Berger will talk about:

  • How to design messages, ads and information that people will share;
  • 5 hidden factors that impede change and how by mitigating them, you can change anything;
  • 6 basic principles driving all sorts of things to become popular.

BRAND MINDS is the most highly anticipated business experience of the year

BRAND MINDS is among the Top 5 largest business conferences in Europe and has a unique business edutainment experience.

More than 6000 participants from 50 countries and 300 companies are expected to attend BRAND MINDS 2022’s edition.

The event provides attendees with complex strategies for building and developing a successful company:

  1. Tested business scale-up strategies;
  2. Marketing virality & word-of-mouth tactics;
  3. Company processes driving innovation;
  4. Team growth frameworks;
  5. Groundbreaking insights on reducing work-related stress;
  6. Innovative sales tactics;
  7. Actionable insights on career development;
  8. Psychological approaches on how to lead successful teams.

GMs & CEOs, marketing managers, HR managers, branding experts, startup founders, business professionals and investors from all around the world join BRAND MINDS every year.

This year, your success story starts at BRAND MINDS!

Tickets are available on www.brandminds.com

Looking to get your content viral? Meet Jonah Berger at BRAND MINDS 2022!

Jonah Berger, Consumer Behaviour Expert has joined BRAND MINDS 2022 to share his insights on getting your content viral!

Get tickets and attend The secret science of viral ideas, his 5-hour MARKETING STRATEGY MASTERCLASS on June 18th.



You will learn:

  • How to design messages, ads and information that people will share;
  • 5 hidden factors that impede change and how by mitigating them, you can change anything;
  • 6 basic principles driving all sorts of things to become popular.


Selected in Top 30 leaders in business
Jonah Berger was named one of the top 30 leaders in business by the American Management Association.
Fast Company magazine selected Jonah in the Top most creative people in business.

Renowned consumer behaviour researcher
Jonah has published over 50 articles on consumer behaviour have been published in Harvard Business Review, The New York Times and other top academic journals from around the world.

Consultant for Fortune 100 companies
Jonah has helped hundreds of companies like Apple, Google, Nike, Facebook, Unilever and The Gates Foundation get their products, services, and ideas to catch on.

Marketing Professor at the Wharton School
He is a Marketing Professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He received a BA from Stanford University in Human Judgment and Decision Making, and a PhD from Stanford in Marketing.


His books have sold over 1 million copies and are in print in over 35 countries around the world.

In his books, Jonah reveals actionable techniques on how to spread your content fast.

Contagious: Why Things Catch On reveals the secret science behind why products, services, and ideas become popular.

Discover how six basic principles drive all sorts of things to catch on. If you’ve ever wondered why certain stories get shared, brands get more word of mouth, or videos go viral, this book will explain why, and show you how to leverage these ideas to craft contagious content.

Contagious was a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post bestseller and has been translated into over 35 languages. Amazon named it one of the best books of the year and it received the Berry Book Prize from the American Marketing Association as the year’s best marketing book.

Ever wish you could be more influential?

Be better at motivating yourself and others?

Make smarter decisions and shape group opinion?

This book will show you how.

Invisible Influence spent more than three months on the New York Times bestseller list. It was also a Wall Street Journal and Washington Post bestseller and has been translated into over 25 languages.

Everyone has something they want to change. Marketers want to change customers’ minds and leaders want to change organizations. Startups want to change industries and non-profits want to change the world.

But change is hard.

We push and push, but often nothing happens.

Could there be a better way?

This book introduces a revolutionary approach to change. Successful change isn’t about pushing harder or exerting more energy. It’s about removing barriers. Overcoming resistance by reducing friction and lowering the hurdles to action. Discover the five hidden factors that impede change, and how by mitigating them, you can become a catalyst.

Marketing professionals meet at BRAND MINDS to learn actionable techniques on how to spread their content fast.

Get tickets and learn how to get your content viral!

Last days to join Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass with Costas Markides

Next week on March 23, 2021, founders and entrepreneurs, CEOs and investors, business developers and sales executives will participate in Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass with acclaimed Prof Costas Markides.

If you’re looking to turn your business from disrupted to disruptor and find innovative ways to thrive, then this masterclass is for you.

These are the last days you can get your tickets.


The masterclass is held online through live streaming. It starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm with a Q&A session which is a great opportunity to get answers to your questions. An outside perspective over your particular situation is invaluable. It could light a new pathway that you couldn’t have seen otherwise.

Here is the agenda of Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass:


Success doesn’t come by chance or fall in your lap. It’s the result of a well-thought strategy and an excellent implementation plan.

You know how they say about overnight success?

This overnight success has taken ten years of hard work and perseverance.

That’s why you need a strategy for your business. And given the volatile nature of the world we are living in, even more so today.

Every successful business has a successful strategy. Remember: strategy before tactics.

Amazon’s main strategy is to focus on their customers. But the global leader of the ecommerce market doesn’t just listen to its customers.

Year after year, since 1997, Amazon sets out to delight its customers.

And that’s the drive pushing every improvement and product or service that the company has ever made: its search recommendation engine, AWS, one-click purchase, Alexa and so on.

Join the masterclass to upgrade and improve your business strategy!


There has never been a better time to go agile in business. Times are changing quickly and the business environment must adapt and keep up.

In 2014, consulting company McKinsey & Co introduced two new dimensions to their organisational surveys: speed and flexibility.

They described the companies that combined both as agile.

Companies that are agile can adapt quickly to new challenges and opportunities. They mobilize quickly and show a strong relationship between organizational health and the creation of value. They move to market faster than traditional companies and have lower costs.

Join the masterclass to discover ways to create strategic agility for your business!


Whether you lead a business of thousands of employees or a small team of five, you need to be aware that for the strategy to work, everyone must be on board.

Every employee, from front desk to product development to supplier quality has to understand the strategy, contribute to its implementation and be on the same page with everyone else.

Learn from strategy expert Costas Markides how to mobilize your organisation for strategy execution.


One of the abilities that successful leaders need to develop or acquire is the ability to see around the corner.

What does that mean?

It means to have one foot in the future.

It implies to be able to spot trends before they go mainstream and take steps to leverage them to the benefit of your business.

It’s called strategic foresight. Strategic foresight allows companies to prepare for the future.

What challenges do leaders have to face in the near future?

Is it employee high turnover due to low engagement levels in the context of the work-from-home situation?

Everything going digital and online?

Changes in customer behaviour?

Attend the Business Strategy for Top Executives to find out!

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on our LinkedIn PageFacebook Page, Twitter or TikTok.

What is the McKinsey 7S framework for successful management

What is the McKinsey 7S model explained briefly?

The McKinsey 7S model is a business framework to address the essential role of coordination, rather than structure, in organizational effectiveness.

This business framework states that the organization is not the structure and is a model of organizational change.

Whenever organizations need to adapt to new business environments the hierarchy of the organization (who is tasked with what, who reports to whom, who needs approval from whom etc) is irrelevant.

The organization goes beyond its structure. It’s a complex ecosystem comprised of seven factors which interact with each other and influence an organization’s ability to change.

What are the 7S of McKinsey’s framework?

The seven factors of the McKinsey 7S framework are STYLE, SKILLS, SYSTEMS, STRUCTURE, STAFF, STRATEGY and SHARED VALUES.

For an organization to change successfully, it needs to approach every S factor.

The framework shows that every factor interacts with the other six. The organization cannot make significant progress towards change by focusing on one area and ignoring the rest. The organization must tackle its approach to change by moving into all seven S factors.

Let’s explain every S factor of the McKinsey model.

McKinsey 7S framework – Style

By style, the authors of the McKinsey 7S framework mean culture.

What is organizational culture and why is it essential to an organization’s success?

The culture of a company or organization is a set of shared beliefs, values and practices. The organization’s CEO, founder or top management are responsible for outlining the organization’s culture and hiring the right people that will maintain it.

For many organizations, culture drives success.

Neflix’s No rules policy is at the heart of its culture. The famous entertainment company nurtures employee freedom and encourages responsibility.

At UiPath, the efforts of top management are focused on providing employees with psychological safety beyond anything else.

At Amazon, employees are encouraged to think like an owner.

In every one of these organizations, success is synonymous with innovation and culture is the medium that facilitates innovation.

McKinsey 7S framework – Skills

Skills refers to organizational skills as well as individual skills.

What does your organization do best? What is your organization known for? What are its strengths? Is it creativity and design? Is it distribution or sales?

BMW is known for its innovative engineering and fast engines.

Coca-Cola has one of the most successful distribution systems in the world.

Louis Vuitton is renowned worldwide for its high-quality luxury handmade handbags.

The skills factor is also important to reveal skills gaps in the organization. With the business environment being disrupted by new technologies, organizations face increasing needs to fill skills gaps. They can either hire highly-specialized talent or upskill their current employees.

Another question that organizations must aks is do we need to improve hard skills or soft skills?

It’s an important question because the needs of an organization may shift every few years to follow changes taking place in our society. Read about the top 5 most in-demand soft skills in 2021.

Marketing is an industry where learning never stops. The professional growth and career advancement of a marketer now hinge on his or her desire and ability to learn new things. Read 4 skills that every successful marketer should acquire in 2021.

McKinsey 7S framework – Systems

By systems, the McKinsey framework means all the procedures, formal and informal, that make the organization go day by day.

How does the organization get things done?

Here are some of the main systems that an organization operates to achieve its goals:

  • IT
  • Financial
  • Hiring
  • Customer service
  • Product development and delivery
  • Information management
  • Internal communication
  • Planning
  • Employee evaluation

There is a significant difference between how organizations were doing customer service in the 1980s and how it’s done today.

Organizations nowadays have a slew of digital tools they can use to solve the customer’s requests efficiently – Chatbots, Whatsapp, social channels etc.

McKinsey 7S framework – Structure

The structure factor of the McKinsey 7S framework refers to the way the organization is structured.

Is it centralized, decentralized or a hybrid?

Historically, the first organizations were centralized with one man, ie the founder or the CEO, taking every decision.

Apple under Steve Jobs is an example of a centralized organization where the founder made decisions regarding design, functionality, features etc.

The centralized organization can be very effective and ensures that the founder’s vision is carried out throughout the company and reflected in the product. But when the organization scales up, this type of organizational structure reveals its flaws. The organization is slow to make decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.

Starting with the 1950s, decentralization became the focus of organizations which had achieved a certain level of size and complexity.

Within these organizations, the number of employees had increased and subsequently the number of interactions required to make things work. The size and complexity of these organizations had become a burden and they were in danger of breaking down.

Decentralization was the solution. A decentralized organization is able to make decisions fast and adapt swiftly to its environment.

Other organizational structures are the line structure, the functional structure, the line-and-staff structure, the project-based structure, the matrix structure etc.

McKinsey 7S framework – Staff

Staff refers to the people in the organization and looks into the ways the organization nurtures and develops its employees.

How does the organization motivate its employees? What strategy does the organization employ to hire for diversity? Once diversity achieved, does the organization have an inclusion strategy?

Workforce diversity is a competitive advantage. A team which includes members of different generations, background cultures, interests and talents provides the organization with different insights and perspectives and drives creativity.

McKinsey 7S framework – Strategy

Strategy is defined as the actions a company plans to take to achieve its business objectives.

The plan outlines what (resources), how (specific tools, activities, platforms etc) and why (the reasons behind your choice of a specific resource or tool) the company will use to achieve its goals.

The strategy’s secondary goal is to define how the organization differentiates itself from the competition and create unique value. Learn how to create a strategic plan in 5 steps.

A successful organization must be able to change its strategy to match the current business environment. When organizations fail to see the need to change, they miss out on the opportunity to adapt and survive.

Nokia’s culture of status, shared fear and temporal myopia made the company vulnerable to competitive forces and prevented it to adapt its strategy (more on this in Why did Nokia fail?).

Microsoft, on the other hand, learned from Nokia’s mistakes (Microsoft acquired Nokia in 2014). When Satya Nadella became CEO, his main leadership challenge was to change the company’s culture. In his opinion, “The C in CEO stands for Culture”.

McKinsey 7S framework – Shared values

What is the organization trying to achieve? What is the organization’s social mission? How does the organization respond to the question Why?

In 2009, best-selling author Simon Sinek defined the concept of Why as the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us, leaders and employees alike.

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

TikTok’s mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy.

BRAND MINDS’ mission is to unite the business world by providing world-changers with the ultimate business experience.

Having a clear mission statement and delivering on it is paramount for a company’s reputation and bottom line. Consumers and employees expect organizations to stand for something. When they fail to deliver, organizations are met with protests and call-outs. For some organizations, change is now coming from employees putting pressure on the management, not the other way around.

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on our LinkedIn PageFacebook Page, Twitter or TikTok.

Get your company back in growth model with Business Strategy for Top Executives

Are you looking to get your company back in growth model?

Then BRAND MINDS’ Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass is for you.

Get access now, the price goes up on February 1st!

The BRAND MINDS Business Strategy for Top Executives is a full-day premium learning experience

The Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass is hosted online on March the 23rd and provides participants with the opportunity to learn the principles of innovative companies.

The masterclass is a full-day premium learning experience delivered by Costas Markides, one of the world’s most renowned experts on strategy & innovation.

As the Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at London Business School for the past thirty years, his expertise is focused on strategic and business model innovation.

business strategy masterclass with costas markides

By attending this masterclass, participants will

  • NETWORK with top executives;
  • Explore how DISRUPTION CAN DEVELOP their industries;
  • Learn to ADAPT in a volatile business ecosystem.

Business Strategy and Innovation are the answer for Successful Top Executives

The pandemic is the most disruptive event in modern history taking an unprecedented toll on the business environment.

It has presented top executives in every industry with new challenges ranging from team management to customer behavior changes, business operations to company culture.

When disruption occurs to such an extent, business executives need to take action.

How can businesses protect themselves against disruption?
By designing a new business strategy and a company culture that encourages innovation.

Why is business strategy important?
Because strategy drives decisions in business. The strategy provides the organization with the most effective path and direction to achieve its goals.

Why is innovation essential for business?
Because innovation helps businesses grow. Organizations that are continually innovating are more likely to achieve competitive advantage.

Set your business for success and attend BRAND MINDS’ Business Strategy for Top Executives Masterclass!

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on our LinkedIn PageFacebook Page, Twitter or TikTok.

BRAND MINDS starts on Friday. Upgrade your mindset for success!

BRAND MINDS LIVE 2020 has launched its live streaming and networking platform. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, now it’s time to upgrade your mindset for success!

The event starts on Friday, September 25th and ends on Saturday, September 26th. Business-class and First-class ticket participants will join us on Sunday, September 27th for Marketing Masterclass with Martin Lindstrom.

4 ways participants are invited to take advantage of the BRAND MINDS LIVE Streaming platform for business and personal growth

1. NETWORKING – More people to meet, more opportunities for success

Networking is possibly one of the most important soft skills that professionals and entrepreneurs need to acquire and develop. Successful businessman Robert Kiyosaki said this:

The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.

The event participants are professionals working in various industries and verticals in 50 countries. BRAND MINDS helps them achieve their goals by providing them with extended networking opportunities inside the live stream platform.

The participants are invited to find connections searching by name, country, company and interests and connect by messaging. At an in-person event, one could only network during half-hour breaks or over lunch, with a limited number of people.

At BRAND MINDS LIVE participants are offered the opportunity to network with a larger number of people in the days leading to and during the event.

2. SCHEDULE VIDEO MEETINGS to establish trust

Apart from messaging, participants are provided with another way of networking, via video.

Event participants can schedule video meetings and thus take their networking strategy to the next level. Seeing the other person is a great way to connect with each other and establish trust.


Our event is supported by Visa, UniCredit Bank and UniCredit Leasing, BMW, Coca-Cola, TikTok, Nespresso, CEZ Romania, Regina Maria, Lidl, ProTV, KissFM, Carturesti, Bucharest Business Institute, One United, Fratelli, Simion Baciu, Mavericks, Curtea Veche, Editura Trei, Publica, Social Bee, Underline and White Image.

Participants are invited to visit our partners’ rooms in the live streaming platform. Some of our partners are running contests with amazingly valuable prizes. Others have prepared great offers created specifically for BRAND MINDS participants.

4. GROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE – Keep reading, keep learning

World-changers keep learning. Carturesti, one of the largest bookstore chains in Romania, together with the event’s main publishing partners, Publica, Curtea Veche and Trei have prepared an exquisite selection of books dedicated to the BRAND MINDS community of highly-skilled professionals and entrepreneurs.

Event participants are invited to find their favourite books on business and personal growth in Carturesti Book shop, where they can also purchase them.

BRAND MINDS LIVE starts on Friday. Get your tickets!

BRAND MINDS Live’s Virtual Stage will boost your experience

We are less than 10 days away from BRAND MINDS LIVE!

Our event will host an impressive lineup of 19 world-famous experts during three days of business and personal growth.

Over 15.000 participants from over 50 countries are expected to join. From entrepreneurs, business developers, sales, marketing and technology professionals to team leaders, managers across a variety of industries and CEOs of global corporations – they have all chosen BRAND MINDS as their source of inspiration and business direction.

With each event, our team strived to raise the standards of the industry and provide our participants with a memorable experience regardless of the context.

Since the digital environment turned to be a major part of our reality in the past months, we have reinvented the BRAND MINDS events and we are now excited to announce that we will be welcoming our participants to a state-of-the-art virtual stage.

With a futuristic design, the stage is a representation of the company’s ongoing commitment to providing every participant with a great experience.

Step into the Future of Business with the BRAND MINDS LIVE Virtual Stage:

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on our LinkedIn PageFacebook Page or Twitter.

These holidays offer the gift of EDUCATION!


Success is a continuing thing. It is growth and development. It is achieving one thing and using that as a stepping stone to achieving something else.

John C Maxwell

The best Return On Investment is EDUCATION

There’s no better investment than the investment in yourself.

To be successful in any area of your life, you need to keep growing and change your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

No matter your age, past life experience or career stage, learning never stops.

BRAND MINDS is the biggest business conference in Central and Eastern Europe. Our mission is to unite the business world by providing valuable insights from leaders in business, marketing, science, storytelling and entrepreneurship.

3 Reasons to attend BRAND MINDS 2020


1. Get relevant ideas for your business and personal growth

In our past editions, some attendees extracted ten business ideas while others came home after the event with ten pages worth of hand-written notes.

By attending BRAND MINDS 2020, you get a full-day intensive business strategy training with some of the world’s most renowned experts.

What can you learn at BRAND MINDS 2020?

  • How to scale your business;
  • How to use the latest trends in marketing to reach your customers;
  • How to foster innovation and support creativity;
  • How to forecast the future for your business investments.

2. LIVE is the best experience

The team behind BRAND MINDS is working relentlessly all year round to design everything in great detail with the sole purpose of ensuring every attendee has the best conference experience yet.

When an idea struck a chord with you, you will remember it because of how it made you feel. Our goal is for every attendee to have at least one Aha moment. We hope the experience will help them change their mindset and provide them with a new vision of the future and how to achieve their dreams.

Give your loved one the perfect gift these holidays

Surprise them with a ticket to BRAND MINDS 2020!

Whether they are running their own business, working in marketing or tech, looking to improve their storytelling skills or discover the future trends influencing our world, show your support by offering them the chance to be part of the BRAND MINDS growth experience.


3. Meet Top Speakers on Business Strategy, Science, Technology, Branding and more!

Every edition we are selecting only the best speakers with extensive professional experience in the following industries: business, marketing, journalism, entrepreneurship and innovative technology.

Learn how to tell your story in a creative way

Nothing interesting or new comes from looking in the same direction everyone is looking.

That’s why Malcolm Gladwell’s books are New York Times bestsellers: he is interested and genuinely curious about the world and takes an unusual and original approach to known issues. In doing so, he came up with brilliant concepts like the 10.000-hour rule of success, The Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context.

At BRAND MINDS 2020, Malcolm Gladwell will deliver a speech on creative storytelling.


Learn how to scale your business globally

A successful serial entrepreneur and media mogul, Gary Vaynerchuk comes from a family of immigrants. He’s been working to make money since he was seven years old.

Gary’s ability to recognise trends in human behaviour is foundational of his business success. His mission is to influence entrepreneurs in achieving a positive and practical mindset.

At BRAND MINDS 2020, Gary Vaynerchuk will give a speech on business growth.


Learn about how to use branding in scaling your company

In 2014, world-renowned consumer expert and brand consultant Martin Lindstrom conducted the largest neuromarketing study ever done. The study was worth $7 million, it was paid for by three brands and used fMRI to peer inside the brains of 2000 volunteers while being shown various ads, logos, commercials, brands, and products. Martin’s book Buy-ology is based upon the findings of this study.

At BRAND MINDS 2020, Martin will speak about discovering global trends in marketing.


Learn the latest trends in technology

Werner Vogels’ vision and leadership have led to the creation of the AWS, one of Amazon’s highly successful services. As VP & CTO at Amazon.com, Vogels is responsible for steering the company into the future by finding new ways in which the company can use technology to help people and bring new business.

At BRAND MINDS 2020, Werner Vogels will be speaking about innovation at scale at Amazon.com.


Discover the trends affecting your business

A true successor of Einstein and co-founder of The String Field Theory, Michio Kaku is one of the most widely recognised figures in science in the world today. Based on the latest research, he will provide predictions on future trends affecting the business environment.


How pursuing further education drives change in your life 

Although Tara Westover’s parents didn’t allow her to attend primary school, she became a self-taught student and graduated from Cambridge and Harvard. Growing up, Tara never imagined that one day she would leave her birthplace and attend two of the most prestigious schools in the world.

Tara is the embodiment of grit and resilience. She pursued her dream against all the odds, managing to overcome physical abuse, physical injuries, the lack of primary education and support from her parents.

On the stage of BRAND MINDS 2020, author Tara Westover will talk about the power of education.


Who better to host such a fantastic event than journalist and CNN international anchor Richard Quest?

The host of Quest Means Business, Richard Quest is a great interviewer, providing business reporting and analysis for the past twenty years.

Every attendee is a world-changer: come to BRAND MINDS!

BRAND MINDS 2019: What You’ve Missed

BRAND MINDS 2019 has just ended and it was an amazing event!

Our 7th edition of BRAND MINDS filled Sala Palatului to capacity: 4200 people breathing in unison.

They were entrepreneurs, CEOs, middle managers, salespersons, trainers, marketers etc – World-Changers each and every one of them!



If you didn’t attend our conference this year,

here’s what you’ve missed:

  • One full-day of intensive business strategy training;
  • A live experience like you’ve never seen before;
  • Learning how to take your business to the next level;
  • Opportunity for high-level networking through the BRAND MINDS app;
  • Making new connections;
  • Laughs, good food and great energy on and off the stage;
  • A life-changing experience overall.


18 Insightful Takeaways from BRAND MINDS 2019

Each and every one of our speakers has delivered amazing keynotes pack-full with actionable insights, inspiration and tips & trick to advance your business, your career and personal development.

Here are a few of the most insightful takeaways from BRAND MINDS 2019:



The Power of Persuasion

  1. People want more of those things they can have less of;
  2. If you mention a weakness in your speech, people will find you trustworthy;
  3. Pre-suasion is the practice of getting people sympathetic to your message before they experience it.


High Performance in Sales

  1. Branding should come before advertising;
  2. Wherever your attention goes is where your money goes;
  3. People buy from people they know. Not people they trust.



Banish Your Inner Critic: Transform Self-Talk To Elevate Performance

  1. Our brains are actually one of the biggest untapped resources on the planet;
  2. The inner critic is actually a protective mechanism;
  3. Creativity feels a lot like magic, but it isn’t.


Inner Mastery. Outer Impact.

  1. The more you operate from your inner core, the more you create the conditions for outer impact;
  2. To be true to yourself, you should be able to freely express yourself: thoughts, feelings, values, personality, desire;
  3. Commit yourself to a journey of continual learning and growth – to awaken to your true self.


The Art of Innovation

  1. Great products and great people polarize people;
  2. Changing your mind is a sign of strength and cleverness;
  3. Innovation is a process. Not an event.


The End of Homo Sapiens: When do humans cease being human?

  1. Many people confuse the brain with the mind;
  2. It’s easier to manipulate a system than to understand it;
  3. In the future, your mobile phone can be incorporated into your body with functions as analyzing your emotions, feelings, your state of the body. We will operate with 2 brains, your current one plus the bionic brain.


Goodbye BRAND MINDS 2019 – Hello BRAND MINDS 2020

For the past four editions, our conference has been sold out 3 months in advance leaving many people joining the waiting list in the hope that someone will not be able to attend the event and relinquish their ticket.

To make sure we meet the ever-growing demand for tickets to our conference, we changed the location and date of BRAND MINDS 2020.

Date: 4th of May
Location: Romexpo
Participants expected: +6000

BRAND MINDS 2020 – Confirmed Speakers

Malcolm Gladwell – World’s Top Journalist
Martin Lindstrom – World’s Top Marketing Expert
Michio Kaku – World’s Top Scientist

More Guest Star Speakers to be announced soon!

In the following months, we will update our speakers’ lineup so follow our social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedInYouTube, Instagram, Twitter) to be the first to know!

Join us in our mission of Uniting the Business World and enjoy a life-changing business experience!


BRAND MINDS – Here’s What Attendees Say About Our Conference


Organizing big events is a lot like delivering artistic performance: you’re as good as your last.

After each BRAND MINDS edition, we look forward to receiving feedback and reviews from our attendees.

We are particularly looking for answers to these three essential questions which tell us if our event was successful:

Did the attendees find the content useful?

Did they enjoy the speakers?

Would they return for the next edition?

If attendees answer Yes to all of them, we can rest assured we did a good job at delivering a great conference and we can start preparing for the next edition. Coming up with ways to make the next event better and more impactful is a thought that is always on our minds.

Here are some of the reviews following the 2018 BRAND MINDS edition grouped in 4 categories:

1. Amazing speakers delivering great content

Bringing speakers who deliver relevant content is paramount to a successful event. The BRAND MINDS team is always looking for reputable speakers, carefully selecting those who provide relevant and fresh knowledge for our audience.

Providing good content to our attendees is one of our goals. But we don’t settle for good – our audience deserves the best content available today.

It was the best business conference I’ve attended in the past three years. Great, great content! 

Anthony (Ukraine)

The speakers over-delivered. Period. I joined the 2017 edition as well and the content remains the spicy ingredient that keeps you focused on BRAND MINDS. 

Alexandra (Romania)

Great speakers, brilliant ideas and a lot of notes written. 

Laura (Romania)

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2. A Life-Changing Experience

Time is precious. No one has time to waste these days. Our attendees spend more than six hours with us – we take that very seriously.

Together with our event partners, we go to great lengths to make sure the audience attending our conference has the kind of experience that will be remembered.

Speechless experience! I’m looking forward to 2019’s edition.

Ida (Hungary)

The energy and the overall vibe was amazing! BRAND MINDS is definitely a great opportunity for exclusive networking.

Anna (Bulgaria)

I encourage everyone to join BRAND MINDS next year, but if you can get the VIP experience, do it! Meeting the speakers in private is priceless!

Andreea (Romania)

It was electrifying! A hall of 3000 people who gather for the same reason is the type of experience you don’t get every day. It really gives you the feeling that you CAN change the world!

Nina (Bulgaria)

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3. Looking forward to the next edition while raising the industry’s standards

There’s no greater satisfaction than receiving this particular reaction from our audience! When our attendees state they will join us for the next edition of BRAND MINDS, we feel proud and utterly happy.

Returning attendees is what every event organizer dreams of! It’s a powerful feeling – one that motivates us to keep our audience’s loyalty and exceed its expectations.

At each edition, we work hard to improve the BRAND MINDS experience for everyone in the audience. So when our attendees tell us our conference serves as the industry standard, we are humbled and we feel a greater responsibility to meet and exceed their expectations.

This is my 3rd year at BRAND MINDS and I still get surprised after each edition!

George (Romania)

We’re definitely coming back next year!

Martina Andelkovic

A room with some of the greatest masterminds of marketing & life, genius business pioneers and brilliant performers. On top of that, a vibrant experience that I wish to repeat.

Cosmin (Romania)

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4. Inspirational, impactful and a great place for business networking

Great leaders lead through inspiration, personal example and mentorship.

We believe leadership is a skill anyone can master and BRAND MINDS is the perfect place to start learning.

I left from BRAND MINDS with a large perspective and a clear vision for what I plan to achieve in the next 5 years.

Mykyta (Ukraine)

It was mind-blowing hearing the incredible speakers, realising what I can do to improve my business and life. All of that, plus the amazing organization resulted in a day I will never forget.

Matija, entrepreneur (Croatia)

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I hope this article helped you gain a wider perspective on our conference.

Looking forward to seeing you at BRAND MINDS!

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on Facebook Group and Twitter.

BRAND MINDS Conference – A Life-Changing Experience


Are you looking for a life-changing experience? Come to the BRAND MINDS Conference!

You might say

Oh, I am not going to believe you because you are biased. Everything about BRAND MINDS is amazing in your eyes.

You are totally correct! I am proud of our conference and I’m sure the rest of the BRAND MINDS team feels the same.

Our conference is the result of a 12-month hard work. Starting with the selection of the best keynote speakers of the moment, to planning the entire logistics process, communication strategy and each detail that is meant to enhance the participant’s experience – everything is designed in great detail to ensure you have the best conference experience yet.

[bctt tweet=”BRAND MINDS: Everything is designed in great detail to ensure you have the best conference experience yet.” username=”brand_minds”]



Here is why BRAND MINDS is a life-changing experience:

Growing With Each Edition

Our conference has been growing with each edition. The attendees have increased in number year after year: from 300 in 2015 to 3000 in 2018.

The 2019 BRAND MINDS conference will host over 4200 attendees.

We have a lot of surprises prepared for these amazing world-changers and we’re looking forward to welcoming them.

Committed Partners

Our partners are leading companies in their respective fields and share our commitment to organize the best conference of the year.

They provide for BRAND MINDS attendees high-quality experiences in between speakers sessions, raising the bar with each edition.

Our conference wouldn’t be the same without them!

Valuable Insights – No Fluff Content

Don’t you hate it when you attend a conference and realize you could have found better use of your time? No valuable content, nothing you haven’t heard before. It’s so disappointing!

We receive positive feedback following every edition of BRAND MINDS. Many of the attendees share the same story: they tell us how they walk into the venue with high expectations and return home at the end of the event having their expectations met and even exceeded.

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No fluff content at BRAND MINDS!

We are aiming for the most valuable content. At the end of the day, our attendees leave with actionable insights, latest trends and overall a life-enriching experience.

Life-Changing Experience

We’re not saying this just to impress you.

Following the 2017 edition of BRAND MINDS, one of our attendees made a bold move: he closed his ongoing business at the time and started a new one which turned out to be highly successful. Later on, he told us he was able to switch gears and follow a different path thanks to the inspiration he had received while attending BRAND MINDS.

This is what BRAND MINDS is all about: changing lives for the better!

Relevant and Insightful Speakers

BRAND MINDS is a business-focused conference. Business is about entrepreneurship, leadership, vision, courage and life-long personal development.

Therefore we carefully select our speakers to make sure they all provide relevant knowledge into each facet of any entrepreneur’s life.

Check the speakers of our 2019 edition and judge for yourself!

Fresh and Talented Speakers

We know all successful conferences rely on the star power of their speakers. But we are not like any other conferences. Inspiration lies in diversity and sometimes the less travelled road leads to a surprising discovery.

Yes, we strive to bring on stage widely-known speakers: Gary Vaynerchuk, Seth Godin, Grant Cardone, Brene Brown, Guy Kawasaki and so on.

But our work also consists of finding fresh and talented speakers who are just getting started. That was the case of our 2018 speaker – Shed Simove.

Many raised their eyebrows in disbelief because they didn’t know who he was. Well, let me tell you – they certainly know him now!

Shed rocked the stage and made a lasting impression on everyone at the conference: attendees, camera crew members, volunteers and technical staff. He wasn’t a risk, he was our ace in the sleeve.

Here is Raluca Kisescu, Brand Consultant talking about Shed’s speech:


If any of our speakers are unknown to you, tell yourself this:

I don’t know them but if they have been selected by the BRAND MINDS team to speak at their conference then they must be worth the spotlight and my time.

And last but not least:

The Live Experience Is The Best Experience

Reading Seth Godin’s book is great, but nothing compares to seeing him live, on stage, delivering his speech. Sitting just a few steps away from him, you can feel his passion, laugh at his witty comments or think about his words deeply and purposefully.

It’s an amazingly engaging experience that you just can’t get anywhere else.

These are my arguments for BRAND MINDS being a life-changing experience.

But don’t take my word for it.

Come to BRAND MINDS and see for yourself!

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We’d love to hear what you have to say.

Get in touch with us on Facebook Group and Twitter.

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