
This App Helps Your Brand Create Video With Your Audience

Video is one of the best mediums brands can use to send their message to their audience and the latest statistics detailed in Video Marketing Statistics 2018 – How Brands used Video for Business support this view.

But more often than not, brands create highly polished, scripted and heavily edited videos. The downside: these videos come off as inauthentic which leads to low engagement levels. To win the video content battle, brands need to create videos that are authentic, less polished or scripted.

User-generated content, may it be image, text or video is one of the best sales and marketing tool that a brand can leverage. To mention just two brands off the top of my head that use this tool efficiently: Apple and GoPro. Apple’s Instagram channel is made entirely of photos taken by Apple users and GoPro publishes its customers’ videos on its YouTube channel.

Brand storytelling has been a buzzword for the past years and yet so many brands find it challenging. One of the reasons is the difficulty of creating content which resonates with their audience.

What if there was an app that could bring together video, UGC and storytelling in one powerful product?

The app exists, it was launched in 2014 and its name is Seenit.


What is Seenit?

Seenit is an app and online platform enabling businesses to create community driven video content.

The app transforms the way brands and organisations create with their communities. It helps organisations empower their fans, customers or employees to create video content that is relatable and authentic.

By using Seenit, brands put video production into the hands of those closest to the story. It is an easier way to direct, collect, and curate user-generated content anytime, anywhere.

Our platform enables organisations and brands to create engaging, multiperspective videos with their communities. Telling stories that truly resonate has never been easier.

The Story behind Seenit

When Emily Forbes was working as a documentary maker, she attended a protest against poaching in South Africa. While filming, she noticed a lot of protesters were also capturing the experience on their smartphones. She realized that her documentary would be incomplete without the perspective of the protesters, so she asked them to send her their videos. The result was a rich video content documentary featuring authentic shots filmed at the heart of the protest. That’s how the idea of Seenit was born.

Seenit’s Mission

Communication has evolved significantly and in turn traditional methods have become less effective. As people rapidly consume and create content from all angles to satisfy their needs, how can brands and organisations cut through the noise and create something truly relevant for their audiences?

We believe that everyone has a unique and important perspective to share and that’s what makes this world vibrant and interesting!

The world is a better place when everyone has a voice.

About Seenit

  • Seenit was launched in 2014 in London, UK by Emily Forbes, a former documentary maker and producer;
  • It reached 100 customers to date;
  • Over 220.000 uploads hit;
  • Over 150.000 platform users.

Our mission is to give everyone a platform to tell the stories they are most passionate about, with the people that care the most.

How Seenit works

  1. Shot list – use the online studio to create a project brief and filming directions for your community;
  2. Capture – invite your community to film on the mobile app;
  3. Collect – review and curate uploaded footage collaboratively from within the online studio;
  4. Edit – use built-in post-production software to create finalised video edits.

We believe in amplifying the real voices and stories of the world to encourage a more open and connected community.

Brands using Seenit

Benefit, The Body Shop, The Hut Group, Marks and Spencer’s use Seenit to capture video from their own customers or employees.

BBC, NBC Universal and other broadcasters are creating video content with superfans around the world.

Large corporations like HSBC, City Bank, Accenture, EY are using Seenit to champion the voices of their employees.

We believe the people who are the most passionate and most knowledgeable about a brand or subject or product should be at the front of the story.

Emily Forbes, founder of Seenit via uktech.news

Benefits of Seenit

  • Grow your community organically;
  • Engage with your fanbase in an authentic way;
  • Co-create authentic video content;
  • Increase brand trust;
  • Create influencers;
  • Build brand loyalty;
  • Give your audience a voice;
  • Increased control legally and creatively (permissions are granted on signup to the app) as opposed to YouTube and Facebook;
  • Brand Storytelling;
  • Increase brand engagement.

Join the Conversation

Get in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter. We’d love to hear what you have to say.

source: https://seenit.io/

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