
How to use YouTube retargeting and why

According to Search Engine Journal, in 2014,  a survey revealed nearly 60% of US Internet users visited YouTube at least once a week.

Re-targeting represents showing ads to an audience that has completed certain actions, such as visited a website, watched a video on YouTube, subscribed to a YouTube channel, or liked a YouTube video. Re-marketing/Re-targeting is a relatively safe and compelling method since the audience/viewers have already expressed interest and been exposed to the product/brand before. It serves to better engage and relate to the audience of your choice. It is also considered one of the most important targeting options in the advertising world.

Therefore, the method can be a really effective way to re-engage with the people who already are familiar with your brand and you can keep your brand in front of people who left your site without converting. For most websites, only about 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit, so it is essential to re-target those lost leads. With re-targeting you can reach the 98% of users who didn’t convert right away on your site. Both Facebook and YouTube have strong re-targeting tools. On YouTube/Google, you can re-target your YouTube viewers with AdWords or your website visitors.

At the same time, with YouTube re-marketing lists, you can re-market to people who have previously interacted with your YouTube channel. Now, you can use these audiences with re-marketing lists for search ads (RLSA).

More insights on the subject you can find here.

LinkedIn Website Demographics: Important Information for Marketers

Since July, LinkedIn is offering companies a way to get better information about who is visiting their web pages. That information—about the person’s job title, company, industry type, and location—could help companies better target their marketing campaigns going forward.

Businesses using LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager advertising service can use the new Linkedin Website Demographics tool to track this information, provided they insert a LinkedIn tag on the pages they want to monitor. “They can then compare how different pages do with different demographic groups and use that data to fine tune their marketing going forward. For a company that wants to hire a person with certain skills in a particular industry, this could be helpful rather than the traditional broader “spray and pray” type of campaigns,”writes Fortune.

Once you set up your website audience in Campaign Manager for website retargeting or website demographics, your audience pool will begin to build. If your website audience does not verify in 24 hours, do double check your website audience URL to make sure it has been correctly entered and that an Insight Tag has been properly placed on the pages you would like to track. Once the website audience is verified, it may take up to 90 days to build up an audience pool, depending on the volume of website traffic that meets the specific target criteria you set.

You can check the status of your website segments on the management page by moving your cursor over the Account Assets tab in the top navigation bar of your Campaign Manager account page and selecting Matched Audiences from the dropdown.


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