
Prices go up in less than 6 days. Get your tickets today!

Prices go up on February 23rd, so don’t miss out on discovering a memorable business experience at BRAND MINDS 2022.


Join The Global Thinkers Business Summit and access the opportunity to:

  • Experience a memorable business conference;
  • Learn from world-famous business thinkers & bestselling authors;
  • Enjoy valuable content that will reset your vision and mindset on both personal & professional growth;
  • Network with an elite community of business professionals from top industries;
  • Meet with international business celebrities;
  • Take your marketing expertise to the next level with the MARKETING STRATEGY MASTERCLASS scheduled for the 2nd DAY of the event, on June 18th;
  • Collect the BRAND MINDS attendance certificate;

The event organizer also provides translation into Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian and Turkish.

HR Managers choose BRAND MINDS as the best opportunity for corporate team buildings

At BRAND MINDS 2022, team members and team leaders learn about:

  • Efficient frameworks to improve the overall performance and the team’s engagement;
  • Innovative ideas for strategic leadership & business development;
  • Top tactics to develop high-growth professionals;
  • Strategic techniques to lead teams with confidence.

HR Managers looking to grow their teams and reward top talent with curated world-class business education have also the opportunity to access special group packages.

The world’s top business experts & bestselling authors are speaking at BRAND MINDS 2022


GABOR MATÉ: WHEN THE BODY SAYS NO: Mind/Body Unity and the Stress-Disease Connection
Dr Gabor Maté is a respected physician with more than 20 years of research & clinical experience, highly sought after for his expertise on the relationship between stress and illness.

At BRAND MINDS, Dr Gabor Maté will talk about:

  1. Tactics to create a stress-free company culture where employees are creative and productive;
  2. The 3 major stressors in day-to-day life;
  3. Key strategies to recognize a stressful work environment and how to transform it.


GARY VAYNERCHUK: The ultimate strategies to build outstanding businesses
Gary’s business building expertise positions him as one of the leading global minds on what’s next in business culture and the digital ecosystem. He is today transferring his life-long knowledge through his keynotes and media content.

At BRAND MINDS, Gary Vaynerchuk will talk about:

  1. How to scale up a company in today’s digital world;
  2. Tactics to increase your business’ revenues by leveraging digital channels;
  3. Actionable insights on how to amplify your company’s image.

JORDAN B. PETERSON: The 12 rules for a successful life
Jordan B. Peterson’s keynote provides professionals in every industry with actionable insights about leading themselves and others. His expertise helps people improve essential aspects of their life from work to personal development and career.

At BRAND MINDS, Jordan B. Peterson will talk about:

  1. The Big 5 Personality traits;
  2. How to improve your ability to deal with and understand those around you who have different personalities;
  3. Valuable insights to guide you towards a more courageous, truthful and meaningful life.


WHITNEY JOHNSON: Leadership — the best tactics of building an extraordinary team
A world-leading expert on developing high-growth professionals, Whitney Johnson helps leaders acquire the necessary skills for leading teams with confidence and a strategic approach.

At BRAND MINDS, Whitney Johnson will talk about:

  1. The 7 accelerants of personal disruption and growth;
  2. Where is your team on the S Curve of Learning ™;
  3. How to leverage disruption in your team’s favour.


DANIEL PINK: The new rules of selling & influence
Daniel Pink is one of the most renowned bestselling business authors of the last decade. His books on work and sales strategy have won multiple awards, have been translated into 41 languages, and have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.

At BRAND MINDS, Daniel Pink will talk about:

  • 5 ways to frame messages to increase clarity and lead to action;
  • Why problem finding has become more important than problem-solving;
  • 2 principles that can move your sales from transactions to conversions.

Angela-Oguntala-_-BM22-_-16x9_ BRAND MINDS BUSINESS SUMMIT

ANGELA OGUNTALA: Rethink your company for the future
Angela Oguntala is a strategy expert on futuristic innovation who is consulting companies on how to design their internal process for a thriving business future. She has led innovation projects and advised global organizations with billions in revenue.

At BRAND MINDS, Angela Oguntala will talk about:

  1. How futuristic thinking impacts an organisation’s core values & practices;
  2. Processes that will facilitate futuristic thinking and performant development flows;
  3. How to nurture foresight mindsets & enhance your team’s capabilities.


JONAH BERGER: The secret science of viral ideas – Marketing Strategy Masterclass
Jonah Berger is a world-renowned expert on marketing strategy, persuasion and consumer behaviour.
As a consultant, Jonah helped hundreds of companies like Apple, Google, Nike, Facebook, Unilever and The Gates Foundation get their products, services, and ideas to catch on.

At BRAND MINDS, Jonah Berger will talk about:

  • How to design messages, ads and information that people will share;
  • 5 hidden factors that impede change and how by mitigating them, you can change anything;
  • 6 basic principles driving all sorts of things to become popular.

BRAND MINDS is the most highly anticipated business experience of the year

BRAND MINDS is among the Top 5 largest business conferences in Europe and has a unique business edutainment experience.

More than 6000 participants from 50 countries and 300 companies are expected to attend BRAND MINDS 2022’s edition.

The event provides attendees with complex strategies for building and developing a successful company:

  1. Tested business scale-up strategies;
  2. Marketing virality & word-of-mouth tactics;
  3. Company processes driving innovation;
  4. Team growth frameworks;
  5. Groundbreaking insights on reducing work-related stress;
  6. Innovative sales tactics;
  7. Actionable insights on career development;
  8. Psychological approaches on how to lead successful teams.

GMs & CEOs, marketing managers, HR managers, branding experts, startup founders, business professionals and investors from all around the world join BRAND MINDS every year.

This year, your success story starts at BRAND MINDS!

Tickets are available on www.brandminds.com

Scale-up your business with BRAND MINDS 2022!

BRAND MINDS 2022 is the business summit that will help you scale up your business and boost your career.

Over 6000 world-changers from 50 countries across the world are expected on June 17 & 18, at Romexpo.

CEOs, General Managers, HR managers, Marketing Managers, Branding Experts, Startup Founders and Investors from global top organizations attend BRAND MINDS to develop their growth strategy and strengthen their leadership.

BRAND MINDS 2022 is a two-day event

On Day 1, eight of the world’s best business thinkers take the stage to share the ultimate insights on leadership, sales, entrepreneurship, personal growth and innovation.

On Day 2, Business and First class ticket holders participate in an outstanding MARKETING STRATEGY MASTERCLASS: The secret science of viral ideas.

Come to BRAND MINDS 2022 if you are looking to:

  • SKYROCKET your marketing skills
  • UNLOCK your team’s amazing potential
  • Network with the BUSINESS ELITE
  • Get WINNING strategies to boost your business
  • UPGRADE your sales strategy


DAY 1 – JUNE 17th, 2022

JORDAN B PETERSON – Renowned Psychologist & Bestselling Author

Dr Jordan Peterson is an acclaimed expert on the understanding of personality. His work helps leaders gain psychological insights on leading teams whose members have different personalities.

Jordan Peterson will deliver a memorable speech about the 12 rules for a successful life

You will learn:

  • The Big Five Personality traits;
  • How to improve your ability to deal with and understand those around you who have different personalities;
  • Valuable insights to guide you towards a more courageous, truthful and meaningful life.

Learn how to become the master of your life by following Jordan Peterson’s powerful rules for a meaningful life.


GARY VAYNERCHUK – CEO VaynerMedia, Investor & Entrepreneur

Described as one of the most forward thinkers in the business world, Gary’s expertise is anticipating patterns and understanding how these shifts influence markets and customers.

Gary Vaynerchuk‘s speech topic: The ultimate strategies to build outstanding businesses

You will learn:

  • How to scale up a company in today’s digital world;
  • Tactics to increase your business’ revenues by leveraging digital channels;
  • Strategies on how to build efficient business partnerships;
  • Actionable insights on how to amplify your company’s image.

Come to BRAND MINDS 2022 and learn how to crush it from the man himself!


DANIEL PINK – #1NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author & Sales Expert

Named one of the most influential management thinkers in the world by Thinkers50, Daniel Pink writes and creates at the intersection of work, psychology, and society.

Drawing on +20 years of research, Daniel Pink is a game-changer in the art and science of selling & motivation.

Daniel Pink’s speech at BRAND MINDS 2022 is To sell is human: the new ABCs of moving others

You will learn:

  • 5 ways to frame messages to increase clarity and lead to action;
  • Why problem finding has become more important than problem-solving;
  • Why questioning your abilities before a sales call is more effective than pumping yourself up;
  • Why the most effective salespeople are not extroverts;
  • 2 principles that can move your sales from transactions to conversions.

Attend BRAND MINDS 2022 and boost your company’s growth with the latest insights on sales!


WHITNEY JOHNSON – Team Performance Expert

Whitney Johnson is a world-leading expert on developing high-growth professionals. With +20 years of research, consulting & coaching, Whitney Johnson helps leaders to acquire the necessary skills for leading teams with confidence and a strategic approach.

At BRAND MINDS 2022, Whitney Johnson will share her insights on Leadership: The best tactics of building an extraordinary team.

You will learn:

  • The 7 accelerants of personal disruption;
  • Where is your team on the S Curve of Learning ™;
  • How to leverage disruption in your team’s favour.

BRAND MINDS 2022 is where you learn how to improve your team’s engagement by applying Whitney Johnson’s outstanding leadership ideas & frameworks.

Angela-Oguntala-_-BM22-_-16x9_ BRAND MINDS BUSINESS SUMMITANGELA OGUNTALA – Futurist & Innovation Expert

Angela Oguntala is a strategy expert on futuristic innovation who is consulting companies on how to design their internal process for a thriving business future.

She has rich expertise in sustainable transitions and experimental processes that catalyse innovation. She has led innovation projects and advised global organizations with billions in revenue, among which we mention: Microsoft, IKEA, Hermes, Philips and more others.

Angela Oguntala will deliver a speech focused on how to RETHINK YOUR COMPANY FOR THE FUTURE.

You will learn:

  • How futuristic thinking impacts an organisation’s core values & practices;
  • Processes that will facilitate futuristic thinking;
  • How to nurture foresight mindsets & enhance your team’s capabilities.

Attend BRAND MINDS 2022 and discover Angela Oguntala’s innovation framework for professionals & companies transitioning towards a challenging future.

DAY 2 – JUNE 18th, 2022


JONAH BERGER – Consumer Behaviour Expert

Jonah Berger is a world-renowned expert on marketing and consumer behaviour, helping marketers persuade their customers. He helped hundreds of companies like Apple, Google, Nike, and The Gates Foundation get their products, services, and ideas to catch on.

On Day 2, he will give a 5-hour masterclass on marketing strategy where he reveals actionable techniques designed to help anyone influence their customers.

Attend BRAND MINDS 2022 and learn how to grow your brand with Jonah Berger’s revolutionary strategy of persuasion.

The secret science of viral ideas

You will learn:

  • How to design messages, ads and information that people will share;
  • 5 hidden factors that impede change and how by mitigating them, you can change anything;
  • 6 basic principles driving all sorts of things to become popular.

Now is your time to reach for the stars.

Get tickets to BRAND MINDS 2022 to learn how to build a winning strategy for your business!

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